Thursday, September 9, 2010

MAC Week 2 Comments for Scott


Great post! It really is amazing how much a grade can limit a students ability to push themselves to think outside the box and to put their creative skills to work. Some student are so scared of not making the grade they limit themselves to only meeting the requirements instead of challenging themselves to create something out of the ordinary.

I have to admit I was the same way growing up and even think that way now from time to time. I have learned to simply meet the requirements so I get the A I want. I find that there are times I have received an A for an assignment because I just went down the list to make sure I followed the requirements, but really didn't spend the time to learn anything along the way.

The Art of Possibility has got me thinking a lot about the everyday challenges I deal with. I really have enjoyed this book and the insight it is bringing into my life.

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