Thursday, September 16, 2010

MAC Week 3: Optional Post

Check it Out!

I discovered a few new applications for my classroom this week that I had not heard about until this week. So I thought I would share some of them with you incase you haven’t had the chance to use them yet.

This application is similar to Wordle and allows you to make tag clouds. The cool thing about this program is that you can create interactive words as well as host your Tagul to a URL link.

Prezi is an application that allows you to create interactive eye popping presentations live and on the web. I have not had a chance to create one yet, but I have heard good things about it.

Animoto allows you to take photos and create unique videos from them. It is similar to Photo Story and is free for videos up to 30-second. This would be a fun and easy assignment for student to create a short video about what they have learned in class or to cover certain concepts without having to learn all about video editing.


  1. I love Prezi! It is very easy to use just as a basic presentation tool. I haven’t had much luck adding in .swf files, but I’m still learning! Prezi just announced the ability to collaborate on a one presentation. Before this, permissions needed to be set and links emailed, but only the owner of the Prezi could make changes.

  2. Jodi,

    I really appreciate you posting these sites. I have used Prezi and Animoto, but it was truly a treat to learn about Tagul. I am going to post this site to our school website and even share it within our grade level meetings. I could see the awesome benefits of Tagul within English Language Arts classroom or just about any classroom.


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