Wednesday, February 10, 2010


VoiceThread ( is a digital storytelling tool that allows you to upload comments verbally, through text, or by drawing directly onto pictures and slides.   VoiceThread allows for creators to upload images, documents or videos to create a storyline or topic.   A VoiceThread can be open to the public or kept private, they also offer Ed. VoiceThread (, which is a secure site for educators.  VoiceThreads can be easily embedded into your own website or blog and is a great tool for collaborative conversations in and outside of the classroom.  They can also be used in conjunction with blogs to reach a broader audience if you are looking to branch out of the classroom. VoiceThread is a fairly easy application to use and offers a variety of tutorials to help you get started.  I highly recommend this applications for diverse areas of education.

I have recently used VoiceThread in 2 different ways.  During a bullying unit I found a video I wanted students to reflect upon, so I uploaded the video from ( into a blank VoiceThread and asked my students to tell me what this video meant to them and how they think they could stop this kind of bullying in their school.  I used this activity as an introduction to my bullying unit but it could be used in so many different contexts.  Check it out...

Just last week I finished up a unit on Teen Pregnancy, for the project students were asked to create their own VoiceThread on what they have learned about teen pregnancy from their choice of several different articles on teen pregnancy and parenting.  Their target audience was their peers and they had to use images that they felt best represented their topic.  I really enjoyed watching the students analyze and add to the work of each other, I was very impressed with the teamwork that took place in the classroom to create this project.


  1. I have heard about Voicethread, but never really paid attention to it until now. Wow! This is a powerful tool. Your students did a great job. I have a couple of students that have been pretty resistant to writing assignments. I think coupling the writing assignment with Voicethread will get them excited to write. This is awesome.

  2. Your students made this? That is great! This tool is certainly something to use to get students excited about collaboration, writing, and of course, oral communication. I know I feel quite a sense of accomplishment when we do things in teams in our FSO work. So I bet your students feel the same way working with Voicethread.

  3. Fantastic work, Jodi. What a great way to use this tool!


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