Wednesday, February 3, 2010


For my WGO tab in iGoogle I have included Facebook, Twitter, and a To Do list to get started. I have also included a Google calendar, the weather, and my Gmail gadget that will serve as great tools for organizing my daily activities.

For the AR/CBT tab of my iGoogle I have included the Box of links with sites that will be helpful in the development of my Action Research Project. I have also added a Listy of things I need to accomplish in the near future. The delicious site is an excellent addition for quick searches and bookmarking sites that will be beneficial for this project (which seems to be currently unavailable). I have also decided to populate this tab with a Google Docs gadget for efficient access to the documents I am working on with my critical friends. The Free Technology for Teachers gadget allows me to see the newest suggestions for integrating technology into the educational setting. The Twitter gadget will be used to keep up with Twitters that will help guide ideas for my AR project.
The ETC tab is loaded with goodies to help me get through this course efficiently with the least amount of stress as possible.   Gadgets included in this tab are a Listy, Google bookmarks, YouTube, Blogger, Google Docs, Google Reader, a box of links, and Flickr.  I hope the addition of all of these gadgets will prove to be effective tools throughout the ETC course.
I am pleasantly surprised at all of the capabilities available through iGoogle. I am excited to explore and create an efficient Personal Learning Environment that helps to enhance my teaching and learning as a whole.

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