Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Week 4 - Udutu Project


I am actually really excited after completing this project. I found Udutu to be more user friendly than I was anticipating from our Wimba session. I am really excited to continue to use this interface in my classroom. I am hoping that when I go on maternity leave I can put together some basic lessons for my subs so they do not have to discuss topics they may not be comfortable discussing since I am a health education teacher. I love that you have your choice of a variety of different medias and the fact that we can download and use the course in future management systems is a huge bonus.


  1. Great job! You packed quite a bit of material into a nice concise online lesson. There’s a lot of information presented on slide 6 with the audio, followed by an assessment. It may be helpful to have a jump to slide following #7 demonstrating the information in words or graphics when a student does not get all of the answers correct.

    Like you, I am concerned about my students’ instruction during maternity leave as well. We certainly have a great tool available with Udutu to prepare ahead of time.

  2. Excellent unit. Great use of Udutu. Only change I'd suggest would be to add instruction to click the "Next" arrow at the top of the page when the video/audio instruction ends. Great job.

  3. I am completely impressed with the way you integrated your flash media assets into Udutu. It was such a seamless fit. The multiple assessments really forced me to pay attention to the material you were presenting. It was an engaging session and it made you look good as a teacher. Really great work. I wish I had as good of a grip on flash as you do.

  4. Jodi,
    I like the flow of your project. The information is presented clearly and concisely, and is engaging for the learner. This lesson would be great for younger learners. The assessment questions are relevant to the information presented.

    Nicely done.

  5. Jodi,

    As always, you've produced a viable piece for your classroom. This project embodied the purpose of your earlier tobacco flash project perfectly. This can be used by school nurses in elementary school as well.

    Once again, great job!

  6. Jodi,

    Wonderful project choice and great job presenting the material. Simple and to-the-point, the message gets across to the learner and the impact of the lesson is powerful.

  7. Jodi,

    Great project. Your UDUTU course on "The Effects of Tobacco" was very informative and interactive. You really took advantage of keeping your audience captivated by your animation and slides. I actually learned a lot just observing your course, it was put together very well. Great job!

  8. Jodi, I put myself in student's mind and think I won't pay much attention to this topic but I will finish your course and think it's interesting. Thank you for the work. Tow suggestions: 1. find a suitable logo for this course so the "your logo" mark won't stay at the top corner. 2. make the background of the second slide darker so your wonderful flash drawing can really show.

  9. Jodi,
    Your Udutu lesson on the effects of smoking and non-smoking tobacco was informative. The watermarks were distracting. I believe you can get rid of them through facebook.

  10. Excellent job performed by Jodi in regard to “The effects of Tobacco”, very revealing and very impressive especially for those who have had the opportunity to know the dreadful destructive effects of the tobacco. It is certainly a lesson to invite a reflection about this scourge.

    I liked the assessments; all four were very evaluative and very concise.

  11. Jodi;
    You course was very informative. How ever I found some of your slide to long to hold my attention. I was not focused on your drawings after a few seconds. I wanted to jump on to something else. I really did enjoy your flash drawings, I could never get much accomplished with it. Hope to have more time to spend on all the programs to get to your level.


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