Friday, August 27, 2010

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Week 4 - Udutu Project

I am actually really excited after completing this project. I found Udutu to be more user friendly than I was anticipating from our Wimba session. I am really excited to continue to use this interface in my classroom. I am hoping that when I go on maternity leave I can put together some basic lessons for my subs so they do not have to discuss topics they may not be comfortable discussing since I am a health education teacher. I love that you have your choice of a variety of different medias and the fact that we can download and use the course in future management systems is a huge bonus.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Week 3 Comment for Erica

It seems like the process for creating such a platform is so complex it is hard to envision the details that have to go into the development. Not only choosing features and content, but spending time analyzing security and finding the man power to do so seems like such a huge undertaking. I can see why implementing these programs can get so costly.

Week 3 Comments for Scott

Scott, Great post! I agree with you that it is amazing how complex these systems are. I find myself also envisioning a platform like FSO in my classroom. I am not sure I can even fathom the work that goes into the creation of such a complex system. To read about it is one thing but to actually create all aspects of the system is a completely new world.

Week 3 Reading: Content Tools

Content Tools:

Authoring Tools

Authoring tools are tools used to assemble a course as a whole. These tools offer features that allow you to compile course elements such as text, graphics, and questions (Tools of the trade, n.d). The features, software, and pricing for these tools can vary significantly. Authoring tools can range from web authoring, HTML editors, media and application tools, course authoring, and PowerPoint authoring tools. Authoring tools have so many different features it is necessary to research to make a decision on what features are needed to build into individualized courses.

Element Tools

Element tools help with individual elements of a course. Some authoring tools allow you to create elements without needing separate tools to do so (Tools of the trade, n.d). Element tools that may be necessary for course development include photo editing software, graphics creation software, interactions and animations as well and computer simulations. Business and technical simulations may be necessary to create real world simulations. Most learning management systems also offer assessments tools such as test, quizzes and games.

Content Delivery

Depending on when the learning is occurring a variety of different methods can be used to deliver the content of a lesson. With primary synchronous features content is typically delivered in a webcast or using some sort of audio, video, or visual format. Chat features, surveys and polls offer a way for teachers and students to communicate and gather information.

A visual classroom platform offers both synchronous and asynchronous environments (Tools of the trade, n.d). In this type of platform the content is not usually delivered personally. The content is gathers by the students and the instructor focuses more on facilitating discussion, assigns and grades homework and provides feedback for the students (Tools of the trade, n.d).

Learning management systems allow for the management and administrations of the training provided in these courses. These systems range from simple systems where the learner can go to find the course and launch it to advances systems where there are complex management options for the course (Tools of the trade, n.d).

There are many different options in e-learning and the tools seems endless, it is important to take the time to research tools needed for creating a course to get the most our of the technology available.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Week 2 Comments for Joseph

I appreciate how you connected the definitions of CMS, LMS, and LCMS with the examples of the
Aeronautical Engineering student's venture in gaining a degree. You did a great job of clarifying how they all connect. I also agree with Karen that LCMS are great tools to aid in training for corporations and educational institutions.

Week 2 Comments for John


I really appreciate your ability to break things down. I always enjoy reading what you have to write and appreciate your ability to help me understand the content in a much more meaningful way. I was having a hard time digesting these articles, but you really did a great job clarifying them.
I agree with you and am also a bit skeptical about our future technology and the ability of SCORM to translate to these newer generations of management systems. By constantly enhancing our technology it seems there would be no other way that to change this content as well.

Week 2 Wimba Notes

I really appreciated the time took to review the alphabet soup of learning management platforms. I feel I have developed a pretty good concept of the terms through our reading but when things are put into general terms and simplified it seems so much easier to grasp. I like that everyone seems to have their own way to describe these terms and it really helps me to simplify and understand the concepts for myself.

I was feeling a little nervous about the Udutu assignment but after listening to this weeks requirements I am certain I have a lesson that will work well for this project. Taking the time to go over the weeks assignments is a very helpful tool and the last 2 weeks I have felt much more confident in myself after the assignment clarification. Thank you for taking the time to get us on track.

Week 2 Project Udutu

1. Zeigler, Jodi

2. Self-Image: a self-expressive project using

3. Who Am I, is a project I stated last year with my students to help learn about self-image and to serve as an icebreaker for health class.

4. Learning Management Systems and Organization Month 10 (August 2011)

5. The lesson I will be creating in Udutu is called “Who Am I”. At the beginning of each quarter my students create a personal collage using the program Students have to find pictures that represent different areas of their life that they want others to know about (e.g.: positive character traits, activities, sports, dreams, goals, family, memories are some of the topics students can find pictures for).

Students then write a short article describing how each of these pictures represents the unique individual that they are. Each collage is arranged into a book that sits in the front of the classroom, throughout the quarter, that students can read during our silent reading time to get to know their classmates on a more personal level.

For this lesson there will be written directions along with a tutorial for students to follow along with. There will also be examples and topics to help students come up with pictures for their collages. Finally, there will be a link to the site for student’s direct access. I feel this platform will help to compile all of my project information into one comprehensive area.

6. I will be creating a tutorial using for my media asset.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Week 1 Project - LMO Overview

After reading Howell’s (2006) article on learning management systems, it seems there is no clear leader among Course Management Systems (CMS), Learning Management Systems (LMS), and Virtual Learning Environments (VLE’s). These systems all provide different needs for their usersEach system offers something different to the user and administrator.


Learning Management Systems aim to simplify the administration of learning and training. They are mainly used as programs within large organizations or universities. They allow the employee or students to gauge and plan learning programs as well as communicate and collaborate with peers. It allows administrators to target, deliver, track, analyze, and report. You also see LMS used in the medical field and specialized areas where specific training is needed for the field.


Course Management Systems were developed for education and provide more functionality for administrators to run the school. The CMS allows for registration, grading, and library resources to be monitored and offered to students across the system. The CMS can be more customized to meet the needs of the users.


Learning Course Management Systems (LCMS) began as a military tool suite for training and readiness. LCMS are used in big organizations like universities for a more customizable training and learning environment. In the LCMS reusable learning objects (RLO) and shared common object reference model (SCORM) are tools that can be used time and time again for training that remains consistent.


Personal Learning Environment (PLE) are looked at as the future of learning environments. PLEs offer a more individual and personalized approach to the learning management system. In these systems learners take control their own learning by setting their own learning goals as well as managing their own learning process (Wikipedia, 2010).

There is diverse set of needs through out education and varying organizations these systems have been developed to meet the needs necessary. Because of the vast array of requirements needed by these organizations it is difficult to place one management systems ahead of another. In the future it is a possibility we may see a management system the stand above all others and can not only meet the needs of organizations while offering customization for administrators, employees and students.


History of personal learning environments. (February 2010). In Wikipedia. Retrieved August 2, 2010 from

Howell, C. (2006). Why is there no clear leader among CMS/LMS/VLEs?. Educause. Retrieved August 2, 2010 from

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Week 1 Wimba Notes

After viewing the week 1 Wimba archive, I am feeling much better about he requirements for this class. I like that the weight of the assignments are evenly distributed and there is not a significant weight on any one or two assignments like we have seen in past classes.
It was nice to hear an emphasis put on the importance of reading at the Masters levels. The ability to pull out pertinent information from the reading is crucial. A lot of the time is it easy to skim through the information without learning anything from it. So I am glad to be reminded that learning is the key.
I am feeling more comfortable after watching the week 1 Wimba and am excited to move forward in this program.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Comments for Sharon: History of VLEs

I think it is so neat to hear you say you participated in the public broadcasting channel science programs. I'll bet at the time that was pretty exciting and out of the ordinary for your class. It is amazing how interactive and engaging some of these programs have become, but they had to start somewhere.

Comment for John: History of VLEs


There have been quite a few paramount events the history of the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). The first of which was recorded in 1728, as an advertisement for distance learning a “new type of shorthand” from Caleb Phillipps. The ad appeared on March 20, 1728 in the Boston Gazette. (“History of VLEs”, 2010) Several significant events followed, such as the first institutionally sponsored distance-learning program from Illinois Wesleyan University in 1854 (“History of VLEs”, 2010). Another notable leap in the history of the VLE was in 1956. “Harvey White, a physics professor at U.C. Berkeley, produced 163 high school physics lessons at Pittsburgh's PBS station WQED that were broadcast into public schools in the area.” (“History of VLEs”, 2010) That idea caught on, the lectures were distributed, and many more students from all over the country experienced the same televised lectures in 1957-58. (“History of VLEs”, 2010)

My Comments for John:
What a great post John. I agree that the history of VLE's is a remarkable venture. It is amazing to look back and see how many ideas have molded what we have today. I am so excited to be a part of all of this. I love that we are embarking on such a new and developing field in education.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Learning Platforms

Learning management systems (LMS) are those systems/tools that allow the management of virtual and distant learning. There are a plethora of tools that allow for communication and collaboration among users, e-learning and digital literacy. The functions of LMS allow for learner self-service, training, online learning, online assessments, management of learning, collaborative learning, and resource management (Toedt, 2006).

Course management system (CMS) is a term sometimes used interchangeably with LMS. These systems can be used in educational environments for learning and higher education as well as in industrial and business setting for training and collaboration. They allow most users the options of accessing them at anytime and in any place. CMS can also offer training and educational programs at any pace (Toedt, 2006). The scope of these systems offers a wide range of opportunities and effectiveness for their users.


Toedt, A. (2006, Feb28). What is a learning management system? Bazaar. Retrieved on August 3, 2010 from

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